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Sustainability in Equine Practice

We regularly update this page with advice and guidance for veterinary practices on sustainability and how practices can reduce their impact on the environment.

Top Tips

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Resources to Download


Waste Segregation Posters



BEVA Journal Articles


Environmental sustainability in the equine veterinary profession

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Other Resources that may be of interest

Sustainable veterinary

Article published in Vet Times looking at the changes the profession could make to reduce its environmental impact.


The Business Case for sustainability

This article published in Veterinary Practice discusses integrating sustainability into your organisation and the commercial opportunities, as well as the moral imperative of doing so.


 It's time to recognise the huge amount of power we have to create change, even as ‘just one person 

BEVA's Sustainability Working Group are keen to hear from BEVA members who have comments, ideas or their own tips for promoting sustainability in equine practice. Please email us at