There is increasing focus on the effects that global warming is having on our planet and, when we look at this from a one health perspective, these impacts are far reaching to humans, animals, the environment and the economy. The Lancet described climate change as the ‘greatest global health threat facing the world in the 21st century, but also the greatest opportunity to redefine the social and environmental detriments of health’ (Lancet, 2022). Due to our ability to recognise the interactions between humans, animals and the environment, vets are in a prime position to understand the damaging effects that our changing climate is having on the planet; and are incredibly well placed to instigate and maintain change. As a trusted profession, and with far-reaching interactions with a wide range of sectors that directly impact the environment we can play an important role in achieving a sustainable future.
In recognition of the wide-spread interest in climate change and driving sustainable practice from within the veterinary profession, the RCVS are taking strides to lead on sustainability. In June 2022, the RCVS launched their new social and environmental sustainability requirements as part of the Practice Standards Scheme (PSS), developed in conjunction with the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare. Both environmental and social sustainability factors will now be incorporated into the core and general practice standards, as well as practices being able to achieve Environmental Sustainability Awards for specific achievements in this area.
As part of the updated core standards, practices will be required to have a written sustainability policy, clear policies on segregation, storage and disposal of waste (including responsible disposal of medicines), separate policies on the responsible use of antimicrobials, endoparasiticides and ectoparasiticides respectively, employ regular maintenance/servicing of practice equipment and ensure regulated stock control.
The GP standards will include the following:
1. Appoint a sustainability champion/team
2. Employ a system which allows all team members to make sustainability suggestions
3. Communicate sustainability achievements to clients
4. Reduce mileage via geographically planning of routine appointments
5. Offer a medicine return service for clients for correct disposal
6. Provide resources on preventative healthcare
7. Carry out an annual waste survey
8. Employ techniques to minimise anaesthetic gas usage
Up to 450 points are available in the equine practice Environmental Sustainability Award scheme (as outlined in Table 1) in areas such as green energy provision, carbon calculation, sustainable travel policies, and procurement. In order to be designated as ‘Good’ in this module practices will need to achieve 60% of the available points (ie 270 points) and in order to be designated as ‘Outstanding’, they must achieve 80% (ie 360 points). In addition to the environmental sustainability requirements, social sustainability is to be encouraged through practice policy on conflict, harassment and bullying, as well as considering equality and diversity and inclusion in recruitment, particularly from under-represented groups to widen participation.
Guidance notes
The practice has joined a sustainability network e.g. Vet Sustain, zero waste veterinary Facebook group
Understanding sustainable best practice and share ideas between practices
The practice regularly shares info learned through a sustainability network with the rest of the practice
Team members share ideas on sustainable best practice with the team via e.g. emails, team meetings, social media groups
The practice has a system in place for clients to suggest sustainability ideas/improvements
Suggestions box in reception
The practice measures/monitor annual energy consumption
Record month; kWh electricity; kWh hot water for heating
The practice has undertaken an energy saving project over the last PSS reporting period
E.g. ‘switch off’ campaign
The practice uses a green electricity supplier
Review contract and switch to a renewable supplier
The practice generates some of its own electricity through onsite renewables
E.g. solar panels, wind turbines
The practice uses sustainable technologies to provide some of its heating/hot water
E.g. Solar hot water
The practice measures its scope 1 and 2 carbon footprint
Scope 1 emissions include: fuels used for heating and hot water, anaesthetic gases, petrol/diesel used for fleet vehicles.
Scope 2 emissions include: electricity purchased from the grid.
The practice sets and meets an annual carbon reduction target (for scope 1 and 2)
The UK has committed to a legally binding target of net zero emissions by 2050. For this target to be met, all organisations must play their part in reducing their carbon footprint.
The practice measures its scope 3 carbon footprint
Scope 3 emissions include: water, waste, staff commuting and business travel (non-fleet), procurement, Well-to-Tank and transmission and distribution losses.
The practice has developed an action plan, reviewed at least annually
Detailing all sustainability initiatives the practice is currently working on and those that have been completed
The practice takes measure to avoid water wastage
E.g. installation of low flow taps
The practice reduces the number of appointments by combining appointments into one single visit
This refers to clients coming into the practice, rather than ambulatory vet visits
The practice has undertaken an employee travel survey around commuting within the past year
Encourages staff to think about their method of commuting
The practice has a sustainable travel policy
Outlining how to reduce unnecessary travel and promote sustainable travel options
Some of the practices fleet are low carbon vehicles
Switching of fleet to low carbon alternatives, or new car policy demonstrating the practice will only procure low carbon vehicles
The practice can demonstrate evidence of consolidating its orders and deliveries
Consolidation of orders from feed, bedding, PPE companies
The practice can demonstrate measure they have implemented to reduce waste
The practice can evidence waste reduction
Tracking and measuring domestic waste, clinical waste and recycling
The practice uses reusable sharps bins
The practice takes active steps to reduce medicine over prescribing
Following clinical guidelines
The practice minimises drug wastage
Review medicine order habits/stock control and reduce/consolidate medicine deliveries
The practice can demonstrate it has considered the environmental sustainability of its products
Changing to more sustainable products where possible
Where clinically appropriate, the practice avoids using single use items
E.g. using reusable scrub hats
The practice can demonstrate that part of their business runs paperless
Review current processes
The practice has integrated sustainability into quality improvement
Sustainability in Quality Improvement (SusQI) is an approach to improving healthcare in a holistic way. It measures health outcomes of a service against its environmental, social and economic costs and impacts to determine its ‘sustainable value’. SusQI embeds the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare’s (CSH) principles of sustainable clinical practice: prevention, patient empowerment and self-care, lean clinical pathways and low carbon alternatives.
The practice actively promotes biodiversity onsite or in the local community
E.g. planting trees onsite
At least one current team member in the practice must have undergone sustainability training
E.g. external course, webinar, self-directed study
The practice team has been trained in sustainability
Team members that receive the training must ensure that other knowledge is transferred to other members of the practice team
Sustainable veterinary topics are regularly promoted to clients and the public
Table 1: The Environmental Sustainability Awards which include 31 awards and a possible 450 points across various aspects of environmental sustainability.
The changes will be introduced in 3 phases over the next year, with social sustainability and minor clarifications effective immediately, assessment for the new Environmental Sustainability Award available from January 2023, and new/amended core and GP standards effective from June 2023.
More information and additional resources can be found on the RCVS PSS website as well as details of the equine PSS modules and awards.