Infection Control
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  1. Resources
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  3. Career support
  4. Get involved
  5. About us

Infection control

To access our diagnostic, management and preparedness tools you must be a current BEVA member. Join here today to access all of our content.

Regulators and authorities

Quickly access information from regulators and authorities on disease outbreaks, prevention and control.

NTF Code of Practice for Infectious Diseases for Racehorses in Training

These codes outline procedures that should be followed by trainers, in conjunction with their veterinary surgeons, should an outbreak of infectious disease occur in a training yard.

NTF Code of Practice

British Equestrian Advice Notes for Member Bodies and Organisers of Equine Gatherings

These advice notes have been prepared by a group of volunteers with expertise in equine medicine and infectious diseases. They are based on the current best evidence and will be regularly reviewed and up-dated as necessary in the future.

BE Advice Notes

British Equestrian Venue Biosecurity Handbook

Based on the principle of ‘reducing risk together’, the latest handbook follows on from the comprehensive guide for reducing spread of disease, released in September 2021 by the Equine Infectious Disease Advisory Group (EIDAG).

BE Biosecurity Handbook for Venues