Important information regarding supply of Equip® Artervac | British Equine Veterinary Association
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Important information regarding supply of Equip® Artervac

News Infectious Diseases Stud Medicine
24 Jul 2023 BEVA

Zoetis have advised BEVA that unfortunately, there has been a further delay in supply of Artervac, with availability now anticipated in December 2023. Zoetis are working hard to resolve this situation.

Earlier this season, 23 February 2023,  BEVA issued guidance and referred Artervacc uers to The Thoroughbred Breeders Association guidance and the blood sampling scheme offered via Rossdales Laboratories. Please note for stallions sampled and the blood stored for testing according to this protocol, there is no further action required at this time.

For stallions not already part of this protocol additional screening via semen sampling may be required prior to re-starting vaccinations once the vaccine is available. Further guidance will be issued as the end of the year and the start of the 2024 breeding season approaches.