Equine Infectious Disease Surveillance 2023 Q3 Report Summary | British Equine Veterinary Association
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Equine Infectious Disease Surveillance 2023 Q3 Report Summary

News Infectious Diseases
10 Nov 2023 BEVA

The 3Q 2023 Equine Quarterly Disease Surveillance Report is now available. Explore our comprehensive report on equine infectious disease, which delves into critical issues such as: recent outbreaks of West Nile Virus (WNV) in Europe and USA. We look at how vigilance and preventive measures are crucial to mitigate the risk of WNV in UK horses. The report includes an update from Zoetis on a further delay to the supply of equine viral arteritis (EVA) vaccine, Equip Artervac and an in-depth focus article on: Chlamydia psittaci: an emerging cause of equine abortion and fatal neonatal illness in south eastern Australia. Stay informed with the latest updates on equine disease outbreaks in the UK, as we strive to provide a valuable resource for all those involved in the health and wellbeing of horses.

Read the full report