CEM in Gloucestershire Stallion | British Equine Veterinary Association
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CEM in Gloucestershire Stallion

News Infectious Diseases Stud Medicine
18 Feb 2022 BEVA

Following the detection of contagious equine metritis (CEM) in a stallion in Gloucestershire, reported by the international collating centre (Interim Report Feb 2022 #03 (04.02.22)), a veterinary surgeon on the list of BEVA approved veterinary surgeons in the management of CEM (GB) is now assisting in the management of this case.

The 'CEM list' consists of colleagues across the country who have demonstrated that they are experienced in the diagnosis and management of CEM and who have appropriate official veterinarian (OV) training.

BEVA Council member James Crabtree (a member of the list) has recently assisted Improve International, who are responsible for the delivery of OV training on behalf of Defra, in updating the OV training modules and has specifically updated the learning materials available on the swabbing of fillies/mares and stallions for CEM, complimentary to the guidance already offered in the HBLB International Codes of Practice.