What's Coming Up in 2022 | British Equine Veterinary Association
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What's Coming Up in 2022

News CPD and Careers BEVA News
17 Dec 2021 BEVA

As 2021 draws to a close we are so excited to share our 2022 CPD course programme with you. Packed full of online and practical courses, our Education Committee tells us more about what to expect...

At last! BEVA’s unique practical courses are now fully up and running again. The last 19 months have been an experience I’m sure none of us wants to repeat, and we are delighted to be welcoming delegates back to our attended courses.

We in “Team BEVA” are very proud of the way that our live online discussions and online lectures now form part of our CPD offerings. We haven’t forgotten our roots however, and we still firmly believe that in a hands-on practical job you need hands-on practical CPD. We also believe that, because our courses are run by clinicians for clinicians (and not for profit) our CPD is a bit special. We’re incredibly lucky to have the support of our course organisers and speakers who go above and beyond to put something back into the profession. Without them and their generous support of BEVA we wouldn’t be able to provide such great teaching at such a reasonable cost. Please make sure you add your thanks to ours.

Looking forward, our 2022 Fundamentals Programme of courses are accessible to all recent graduates. These courses offer hands-on practical teaching around the UK supported by online learning. Organised  by expert clinicians; they will provide you with the real-world skills that you need.

New in and aimed at more established vets and nurses, we’re running a Rehabilitation Course looking at the challenges and techniques for getting horses back into full work, an Advanced Sinus and Dental Surgery course, and a Focus on Ophthalmology course.  We are also excited to be developing an Advanced Critical Care course - bringing human medics, with extensive trauma experience, together with vets to see what field techniques we might be able to learn from each other and find out what’s new in the sector.

Our online free-to-members Clinical Catch-Ups and Transatlantic Equine Clinics, the latter run in association with the AAEP, will both continue throughout 2022. The Transatlantic Equine Clinics are “not to be missed” international discussion forums, each focussing on a specific topic. Fetlock fractures, cervical arthropathies in sports horses and obesity are some of the subjects that will be covered next year.

With COVID determinedly hanging on like a bad smell, we still have precautions in place for our attended courses to minimise associated risks. We will continue to monitor Government guidance, base our approach around that and keep you informed as and when things change. We can’t wait to see you “for real” in 2022.