What is Income Protection? | British Equine Veterinary Association
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What is Income Protection?

News BEVA News
22 Jul 2021 BEVA

Did you know that as part of your BEVA Member Benefits you have access to discounted income protection? PG Mutual tell us more..

What is Income Protection?

Income protection is a means of making sure you can cover your monthly overheads if illness or injury prevents you from working. Instead of dipping into your savings to cover things like mortgage, utility bills, and so on, PG Mutual could insure up to 70% of your salary while you are off work.

What exactly is illness and injury?

Some of the things that PG Mutual won’t cover include cosmetic surgery, drug or alcohol-induced injuries, hazardous activities, and participation in riots.

Fortunately, there’s an awful lot that is covered. As a not-for-profit, mutual society, PG Mutual is on the side of the policyholder. In fact, between 2016 and 2020, 94% of all new claims were eligible for payment.

How affordable is cover?

PG Mutual policies offer flexibility, and they can be tailored by you to suit your individual needs, so you receive the cover you need without paying for the cover you don’t.

Take a look at the example standard cover quote:

Occupation: Equine Surgeon

Age: 36

Income covered per month: £1,000

Time benefit deferred: 2 weeks

Monthly cost: £17.81**

** Discount included. Premiums increase with age.

How do you apply for cover?

Simply visit our website at www.pgmutual.co.uk/quote and use our Quick Quote service to find the right cover option for you and your budget. You can then easily apply online, or alternatively arrange for a member of our team to contact you and complete the application over the phone.

Discount with BEVA Membership

As a BEVA member, you are entitled to 20% off your first two years of cover with PG Mutual. Just use the discount code ‘BEVA20’ when getting a Quick Quote or when arranging your policy. To learn more, visit pgmutual.co.uk or call 0800 146 307.

*T&Cs apply. Visit https://www.pgmutual.co.uk/terms-and-conditions. PG Mutual is the trading name of Pharmaceutical and General Provident Society Ltd. Registered office: 11 Parkway, Porters Wood, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 6PA. Incorporated in the United Kingdom under the Friendly Societies Act 1992, Registered Number 462F. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority, Firm Reference Number 110023.