This medicines update is provided by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) and lists new active substance, new marketing authorisations and changes to authorisations most relevant to vets.
New marketing authorisations
Table 1 shows the new marketing authorisations for August 2022.
TABLE 1: New marketing authorisations in August 2022
New Marketing Authorisations
Product name and target species
Active substance
Authorisation Holder, territory, and distribution category
Therapeutic group
Food animals
Subestin 25 microgram/ml Oral solution for horses
Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
Floris Holding B.V.
Authorised in GB & NI
Respiratory expectorant
See the VMD’s Product Information Database for more information on each of these products. This includes separate links for the authorisation territories of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Please note, there may be a delay between the issuing of a marketing authorisation and the product being placed on the market.
For more information, contact the VMD at