The first in person meeting of BEVA Council since 2019 | British Equine Veterinary Association
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The first in person meeting of BEVA Council since 2019

News Council Updates BEVA News
13 Apr 2022 BEVA

The first face-to-face BEVA Council meeting for nearly two years finally took place in Newmarket at the end of March and it was so great to see everyone. The idea of these bi-yearly meeting is to provide an overview of BEVA’s current position and to discuss how Council and the Committees are progressing. Being part of Council provides a great opportunity to represent members whilst working with BEVA to help develop excellent new resources and provide amazing CPD. (You can find out more about what being a BEVA Council member is really like in our latest BEVA Quarter).  Elected by you, our Council represent your voice and the profession at sector and government level. Our 2022 Council Elections will start in May, keep an eye out for candidate manifestos and don’t forget to cast your vote!

In the meeting we discussed current projects the Committees are working on. These include:

Careers Committee

The Careers Committee have recently worked with the BEVA Office to organise this year’s vet school tours. In February BEVA attended the Cambridge University Veterinary Society’s Careers Fair, the panel answered students’ questions on life in the industry and sharing their career experiences. They then visited the University of Surrey and held a virtual event for students everywhere in March, our final event of 2022 will take place at the University of Bristol later this month. Chaired by Phil Cramp, these events are open to students looking to get a realistic insight into life as an equine vet and they enjoy the added bonus of a clinical presentation from an industry expert. The Committee also oversees the Leg Up Programme and continues to work on a revamp of the Internship Programme.

Clinical Practice Committee

Considering all areas of the profession including the export and import of horses and working with Allied Professionals, the Clinical Practice Committee is always busy. Recently they have launched an updated version of our A.I. Guide which reflects recent changes in disease evolution and risk and changes in border controls. Following the publication of the Employment Toolkit last year, the Committee also gave us an update on the next steps in re-launching the BEVA Internship Programme to provide a framework of standards and to ensure that new graduates and practices are getting the most of out the internship model.

Education Committee

The Education Committee work closely with BEVA to develop ideas and organise plans for our CPD programme. With COVID restrictions lifting they’re excited to see an “almost back to normal” atmosphere at in-person courses. Roger Smith, Chair of the Committee, shared the key points from a recent strategic review of BEVA CPD including the opportunities online learning provides to enhance practical CPD days, and the types of course they are planning for the coming years. Why not take a look at what’s coming up over the next few months? Don’t forget BEVA also run regular online, free to attend events such as the Clinical Catch-Ups and Transatlantic Equine Clinics.

Equestrian Sports Committee

Collaborating with the equestrian sporting bodies including FEI, the BHA and BE, the Equestrian Sports Committee plays an integral part in bringing together associations to identify and share issues of relevance to equine health within equestrian sports. Current discussions include EHV-1 and vaccines, Equine infectious Disease and the new guidance notes available on the BE website and ongoing dialogue on equine flu vaccination protocols.

Ethics & Welfare Committee

Our Ethics and Welfare Committee work across a wide variety of areas so that as equine veterinary professionals we can ensure the highest standards of welfare. Of late they have been working to raise awareness and provide advice for vets and owners on equine obesity. Considered one of the biggest current threats to welfare, the Committee have run pilot schemes to test the best methods for effectively communicating with owners and reducing the risks surrounding the condition. Keep your eyes peeled for more updates coming soon. Furthermore we discussed the role of the Committee in ensuring the ethical use of horses used in our CPD courses.

Health & Medicines Committee

The Health & Medicines Committee are continuing to collaborate with various associations to combat antimicrobial and anthelmintic resistance. Their latest work sees the formation of a new AAEP working group to tackle antimicrobial resistance and usage, they hope that this will see alignment of views on the subject between North America and Europe. You can watch their latest update in full, delivered by Committee Member James Crabtree, here.

In more general discussions the Council as a whole talked about projects to improve general wellbeing of the profession, continuing to develop new resources for our members and working with equine practice to support their vets.

Does BEVA need to do more to support and represent its members? What sectors of the equine veterinary industry need more representation from BEVA? Contact BEVA Council if you want to discuss or develop ideas.