The Horse Trust's Healthiest Body Condition Awards need you | British Equine Veterinary Association
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The Horse Trust's Healthiest Body Condition Awards need you

19 Mar 2025 BEVA

For 2025 there is continued enthusiasm for The Horse Trust’s Healthiest Body Condition Awards and the #WeighToWin project, and the organisers are keen to recruit interested vets and SQP’s such as vet nurses, to carry out scoring and judge the awards.

Back in 2019 The Horse Trust, the world’s oldest horse charity, created and piloted The Weigh To Win (#theweightowin) scheme in collaboration with University of Liverpool to recognise and reward exhibitors in show classes with the healthiest equine body condition.

Shows across all levels and throughout the UK continue to support the awards. Assessments are carried out concurrently, but independently of the judging of the class. Since the beginning of the programme there have been many success stories as well as quantifiable lower BCS being recorded. A special green and gold rosette is presented to the exhibitor in recognition of their achievement,

One of the main constraining factors with being able to raise awareness further afield, is availability of Vets or SQP’s to carry out the judging of the awards at shows across the country. There are instances where shows would like to host the awards, but they have not been able to find an SQP available to enable the independent judging to take place.

This is where you come in, The Horse Trust need more Equine professionals to join them in the quest to tackle Equine obesity and continue to educate within the showing world.

As a charity, The Horse Trust is unable to fund the judging of the awards, they are reliant on the passion and volunteering of time to continue the work of the welfare initiative. The valuable contribution of vet practices is recognised and promoted through mentions in various media channels, both before and after the show as well as in commentary notes on the day. Attending a show could also work towards an individual’s CPD. 

Help equines stay healthy by being part of the solution and supporting The Horse Trust’s Healthiest Body Condition Awards.  If you can help, please contact The Vet Pack will be emailed to you with details of the awards and scoring system, and if you’re willing to give your expertise, PR will begin, which should benefit your practice, as well as the programme itself! We also have a WhatsApp group being set up to keep vets in the loop of judging requests.

If there are any shows local to you that you feel would be suitable for the Body Condition Awards, please let us know and we can assist with finalising details such as sending out the show packs and relevant paperwork to keep the process as smooth as possible.