As another new year begins, the BEVA sustainability group suggests ways to start 2024 in a more sustainable way:
1. Make do and mend: As we finish the season of excess, consider ways to reduce buying new products this year. From darning old socks to getting the battery replaced in your phone, every repair saves the energy and materials needed to produce a new product.
2. Make space for nature: Feed the birds, top up bird baths and leave piles of leaves out for the hedgehogs. The 2023 State of Nature report found that biodiversity in the UK has continued to decline as species grapple with altered weather and timing of the seasons. However, while the most important natural habitats are in poor condition, work to protect landscapes has clear benefits for nature, people and climate, and habitats can recover remarkably quickly when properly supported.
3. Reduce food waste: In the UK, over 26,000 tonnes of food is wasted every day, costing the average family over £700 per year. One simple step to reduce food waste is to make a meal plan each week, plan ahead, and consider inventive uses for leftovers.
4. Eat more plant-based food: Being more sustainable doesn’t necessarily mean cutting out meat entirely, but meat production does require greater input of feed, energy and resources than the equivalent plant-based food. In line with the BVA’s policy position, ‘Less and Better’, focus on buying local, high welfare meat and really valuing this as food to be cooked well, savoured and enjoyed.
5. Change your energy provider: With renewable energy contracts now easily accessible in the UK, check with your provider whether they offer a renewable tariff, or consider switching to a specialist renewable provider. Beware that not all companies are as ‘green’ as they claim to be – take a look at the following for guidance.
6. Change your bank and pension fund: Your current account and pension could be having double the carbon impact of going vegan, quitting flying and choosing the bike over the car, COMBINED. For more information, My Mothertree has more information which offers a carbon calculator for your savings.
7. Drive less/use alternative transport/cycle and walk: As well as helping your physical health, switching from driving to active transport can help reduce your carbon footprint and reduce emissions for pedestrians in towns and cities. Truly a win-win situation.
What are your eco aspirations for 2024? Get in touch: