RCVS Academy asks for professions’ views on future content | British Equine Veterinary Association
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RCVS Academy asks for professions’ views on future content

26 Sep 2022 BEVA

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Academy, the College’s new, free digital learning platform for veterinary professionals, has launched a survey to allow veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses to make suggestions on future topics.

The Academy hosts a range of courses that feature high-quality, interactive content and which aim to support members of the professions at all stages of their careers to meet their professional standards through the provision of relevant, up-to-date knowledge.

A short survey will ask members of the professions for their preferred types of learning content (for example, scenarios, quizzes, and interactive lessons), as well as whether they would like further courses and learning in the following areas:

• The Codes of Professional Conduct

• Client communication

• Supporting students and new graduates

• Concerns and disciplinary

• Animal welfare issues

• Ethical challenges

• Delegation

• Mental health & wellbeing

• Practice Standards Scheme

• Leadership & coaching

• Sustainability

Jennifer Ayers, the RCVS Academy Manager, said: “We’ve been so pleased with the success of the RCVS Academy since its launch this summer, with around 700 enrolments for our courses and three additional courses being added to our repertoire as well.

“As a free learning resource that brings together expertise from the College and beyond, we are eager to continue expanding and improving the Academy. In order to do so effectively, we need to have a better understanding of what vets and vet nurses Are looking for. If you are able to spare 5 minutes to complete the survey, you can help ensure we are delivering learning and development to best support you.”

The survey will be open until 9am on Monday 21st November and can be accessed here.

Those with questions or feedback about the RCVS Academy can contact its dedicated team on academy@rcvs.org.uk.