Nominations open for BEVA Equine Welfare Award | British Equine Veterinary Association
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Nominations open for BEVA Equine Welfare Award

News BEVA News
14 Apr 2023 BEVA

We are delighted to invite nominations for the BEVA Equine Welfare award sponsored by The Blue Cross.

The BEVA Equine Welfare Award celebrates individuals or charities who have made a significant contribution to equine welfare. It is a significant and recognised annual award that has been presented to individuals and organisations since 2003. The 2022 winner was Charlotte Thornycroft for her work during the conflict in Ukraine, previous years winners include Brooke Hospital for Animals and Dr Peter Rossdale.

We invite members of the veterinary profession to nominate an individual for the 2023 Equine Welfare Award. The nomination should include a supporting statement that highlights how the individual or organisation has made a significant contribution to equine welfare as well as a brief CV for the individual. A proposer and a seconder should support the nomination.

Nominations close on Friday 19 May and the individual selected for 2023 BEVA Equine Welfare Award will be presented with the award at BEVA Congress 2023 on 14 September 2023. Individuals from BEVA and The Blue Cross will be involved in selecting the winner.

If you have a question about this award please contact us.

We would like to thank The Blue Cross for continuing to support this award.

Make your nomination