Do you want to be more involved in the equine profession as a whole? Could you help practices become more sustainable? Would you be able to work with others to provide resources for members to help manage issues such as equine obesity?
Then BEVA Council want you!
BEVA Council nominations open for 2022 on Tuesday 17 May and we’re looking for enthusiastic individuals who feel they could make a difference to the profession.
“It’s an honour and huge opportunity for an individual to spread their wings professionally”
- Lucy Grieve, Immediate Past President
With 20 members working towards the betterment of equine veterinary care, BEVA Council has the ability to do so much for every vet but it does require members who will step up to the plate. The more connected our Council is to our members, the better it can serve you.
Find out more about how to nominate yourself below, or hear from Immediate Past President Lucy Grieve about what it’s really like to be part of Council here.
Nominate Yourself