Ethics and Welfare Committee Meeting Update - June 2021 | British Equine Veterinary Association
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Ethics and Welfare Committee Meeting Update - June 2021

News BEVA News Ethics and Welfare Committee
10 Jun 2021 BEVA

Committee Chair and BEVA President Lucy Grieve gives us an overview of discussions at the latest meeting of our Ethics and Welfare Committee.

Topics discussed included:

• The Obesity Project - with the second pilot scheme coming to an end the Committee are looking at the data collected to soon launch a full campaign to tackle the disease

• Safer Horse Handling Project - course organisers for BEVA practical CPD will now provide three top tips for staying safe whilst carrying out examinations and procedures as part of the pre-course learning. This was discussed in our latest Clinical Catch-Up on Avoiding Injury When Blocking which will soon be available to watch back on the e-learning site.

• Updating the Welfare Toolkit - you can find a hub of information relating to working a welfare case and these pages are currently under review.