The Equine Quarterly Disease Surveillance Report Q4 2024 produced by Equine Infectious Disease Surveillance (EIDS), is now available.
Some of the key updates included in the report are:
News: Bird flu virus infections in horses: heeding some scientific caution with recent findings of antibodies in a small number of horses in Mongolia
News: EIDS launch a new UK equine post-mortem examination surveillance database
News: Equine Industries Committee: update from Defra on African Horse Sickness and reducing livestock disease risks from moving horses internationally
News: Extra precautions needed in moving horses from mainland Europe: reducing infectious disease risks for livestock species in the UK
Focus: The Horserace Betting Levy Board (HBLB) International Codes of Practice: responding to the challenge of emerging threats to the horse breeding industry since 1977
You will also be able to find EIDS’ archive of reports from the pilot in 2004 to the most recent on their website under the Surveillance Reports tab.
View the full report