Do you have a spare portable ultrasound, x-ray machine or trauma kit for Ukraine medical teams? | British Equine Veterinary Association
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Do you have a spare portable ultrasound, x-ray machine or trauma kit for Ukraine medical teams?

18 Mar 2022 BEVA

British Veterinary Professionals for Ukraine are in direct contact with trauma teams in Kiev who are in urgent need of portable x-ray and ultrasound equipment to identify fractures and effusions. If you have one gathering dust please contact Till Hoermann on 07713477323.

BEVA President Elect, Dave Rendle, is working hard as part of the British Veterinary Professionals for Ukraine team.  He reports that “an articulated lorry carrying the donations that BVP4Ukraine have collected will be setting off for Poland next week with another one scheduled for the following week”. All trauma and first aid equipment is in desperately short supply so if you have anything you can donate please send it to Britishvets4ukraine, C/o Hoermann Equine, Wrights Lodge East, Oakham Road, Whissendine, Rutland, LE15 7HA or one of the collection centres listed here. Alternatively, donations can be made through the fundraising page. Donations have already been used to purchase ambulance equipment, splints, rescue sleds, defibrillators, ET tubes, spinal boards, catheters, resuscitation equipment and a great deal more.

Veterinary and human supplies are equally welcome. Donations will be sorted and despatched to where the need is greatest.