BFBA Focus 21 - You're invited! | British Equine Veterinary Association
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BFBA Focus 21 - You're invited!

News CPD and Careers
01 Oct 2021 BEVA

The British Farriers and Blacksmiths Association (BFBA) annual ‘Focus’ event will take place over the weekend of 30th and 31st October 2021 in the Blackdown Halls at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire.

Pre-registration is essential (and, for the first 500, will guarantee your goody bag!)

Gain superb value with an early bird ticket.  Read the full programme online and book tickets here.

• The lecture programme features highly regarded clinicians, renowned in their respective fields –

  • Dr David Marlin
  • Suzanne Rogers and Jo White, Human Behaviour Change for Animals
  • Simon Moore FWCF
  • Wayne Preece FWCF
  • Mark Johnson DipWCF
  • Jeff Newnham DipWCF

Are you passionate about hoof anatomy, foot balance or the application of science in farriery?

Would you like to explore (perhaps debate) the relationship between barefoot and farriery?

Could you gain a better understanding of relationships with clients?

Or perhaps you would like to work with clients to provide a safer working environment for everyone?

Throughout the day -

• The bustling marketplace will showcase the best products on offer for the UK hoofcare professional

• Live demonstrations will provide practical solutions to every day issues

• The BFBA Home International farriery competition will provide exciting viewing in hotly contested classes between some of the UK’s most competitive farriers.

• On site catering and refreshments will provide an interactive social area to catch up with friends and colleagues, and a great chance for additional networking.

If you have any queries at all please contact BFBA Head Office on 024 76 696595 or email

For all marketing/PR enquiries please contact Claire Brown on 07747 602978 or email