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Travelling to Birmingham

As you know, speakers are not paid a fee for presenting at BEVA Congress, however, we provide reasonable travel expenses for yourself (road mileage, standard class rail fare or economy airfare), free registration for yourself for the whole of Congress and accommodation to reflect the distance you have travelled. For further details regarding accommodation, please head over to the accommodation icon on the Speaker Information page.


All travel expenses need to be made via Webexpenses, our cloud-based expense tool that can be used on your computer, tablet or phone. Webexpenses allows you to add all your expenses electronically wherever you are. You can even take photos of receipts and train tickets and download them straight to your specific claim.

Some of you will already be registered and using Webexpenses with us. For those of you not using the system, Webexpenses will be emailing you in July to get you registered. Please keep an eye out for the email and please check all junk and clutter folders. Webexpenses will provide you with a password and we recommend that as soon as you log on to the software, you amend your password to something more memorable.

Please ensure that when setting up your account you include your Bank Sort Code and Account Number so we can pay you! You can add these within the 'My Settings' drop down under your name in the top right hand corner.

Please note, Webexpenses is to be used for individual claims only, if your practice/business would usually raise an invoice for your claim please ask them to continue to do so and do not use Webexpenses for these expenses/fees.

If you have any questions regarding the use of Webexpenses please email effie@beva.org.uk

Once you have registered yourself an account please use the link below to log in and submit your claim:

Webexpenses log in

Webexpenses how to video