Congress Opening Hours
  1. Resources
  2. Education
  3. Career support
  4. Get involved
  5. About us
  1. Resources
  2. Education
  3. Career support
  4. Get involved
  5. About us

Registration Times:
Wednesday 13th September 16.00 - 18.30
Thursday 14th September 07.30 - 18.30 
Friday 15th September 07.30 - 18.00
Saturday 16th September 08.00 - 14.30

Speaker Preview Room Opening Times:
Wednesday 13th September 16.00 - 18.30
Thursday 14th September 07.30 - 17.30 
Friday 15th September 07.30 - 17.30
Saturday 16th September 08.00 - 15.30

Exhibition Opening Times:
Thursday 14th September 09.00 - 19.00
Friday 15th September 07.30 - 18.30
Saturday 16th September 07.30 - 14.00

Social Programme
BEVA Congress isn't just about the science its a chance to unwind with friends old and new.

Welome Reception, join us for cocktails  at The Alchemist, Brindley Place - Wednesday 13th September, 19.30 - 21.00,  
Annual Dinner and Dance - Friday 9th September, 19.30 - 01.00, Hall 4, ICC