Vets at destination complete the veterinary declaration. Complete the veterinary declaration (Attachment I) and attach it to the email chain to the entry BCP within 24 hours of the consignment's arrival at destination, copying in the person responsible for the consignment. The veterinary declaration can either be in the format of a digitally signed pdf or a wet signed and scanned or photographed copy emailed to the OV at the entry BCP by the veterinary practice.
Keep an original copy of the veterinary declaration for your records for a minimum of 3 years and in line with your veterinary practice policy.
If the veterinary declaration is not received within this period, the OV at the entry BCP will follow up on the second working day after arrival, depending on the BCP operating hours. For example for a 24 hour turnaround, if a consignment arrives at 1:00 pm on Wednesday, the OV at the entry BCP will expect the veterinary declaration by 1:00 pm on Thursday. If not received, a follow-up will occur on Friday. If the OV requires further assurance of the veterinary declaration, they should contact the vet at destination to discuss and address any concerns.