Veterinary Declarations
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Chilled Semen Facilitation Scheme

Due to logistical constraints when importing chilled equine semen, DEFRA and BEVA have spearheaded a facilitation scheme to allow checks to be split between Official Veterinarians at BCP's and vets performing the insemination.

Guidance on Imported Semen Identity Checks for 2025

Starting this season, all imported semen from the EU will require 100% identity checks. To maintain next-day delivery service for chilled semen from the EU, the APHA have introduced the Chilled Semen Facilitation Scheme for 2025.

Not all Border Control Posts (BCPs) will participate in the facilitation scheme. Of the two primary BCPs handling chilled semen:  

  • East Midlands Airport will participate.
  • Stansted Airport BIP will not participate.

Identity Check Process

  • Non-participating BCPs: Both the paperwork and physical parcel will undergo identity checks at the BCP before onward delivery.
  • Participating BCPs: The BCP will verify the digital paperwork, while the inseminating veterinary surgeon will perform the identity check and certify it to the entry BCP.

A detailed description of the identity check process and a template veterinary declaration are available in the guidance document.

For convenience, the PDF declaration can be digitally signed using Adobe Acrobat on Apple iOS and Android. Alternatively, it can be printed, signed manually (“wet signature”), and then scanned or photographed for submission in the field.

BCP locations and contacts

Vet ID check - step by step

Vets at destination undertake identity checks on 100% of consignments that require the facilitation process. On arrival of the consignment (documentary compliant) at destination, the vet at destination checks that the identity of the consignment matches with the identity stated on the EHC and CHED-P. 

To undertake the identity check, you need to do the following.

Valid CHED-P

A valid CHED-P for the consignment, which has had a documentary check only.

If you have received a valid CHED-P with documentary and identity checks already completed, you do not need to proceed with the facilitation process and can proceed directly to insemination of the mare (see guidance below for examples of a valid CHED-P differentiating when the facilitation process would/would not be required)

Certified EHC

A certified copy of the Export Health Certificate (EHC)

If you have not received a valid CHED-P and a certified copy of the EHC, contact the person responsible for the consignment to request these are provided. If the person responsible for the consignment is uncontactable, without the CHED-P and EHC the consignment is non-compliant and cannot be used. Follow the steps under Actions for non-compliant or illegal consignments.

Verify the consignments identity

To verify the consignment’s identity, confirm that the details provided with the consignment including the air waybill (AWB) or tracking number (found on the outer packaging of the consignment typically with 10-18 alpha-numeric digits), seal number (if applicable), number of units (vials/syringes), content of the consignment, batch numbers (if applicable), donor identification (Microchip Number, registration number, if applicable) match the details provided on the EHC and CHED-P.

Take photographs

Take photographs as evidence of the completed identity check. The photographs must clearly show all sides of the box containing different information including the valid CHED-P, the air waybill number and the EHC reference number, the seal number (if applicable), the number of vials/syringes and the labels on the vials/syringes.

Retain photographs

Retain these photographs for your records for a minimum of 3 years and in line with your veterinary practice policy. If additional assurance required, the OV at the entry BCP may request the photographs as evidence of the satisfactory identity check.

NOTE: The identity check must be performed by a vet. If an Artificial Insemination (AI) technician is performing the insemination, a vet must complete both the identity check and the veterinary declaration.

Non-compliant consignments and enforcement

Non-compliant consignments and enforcement

Documentary non-compliant consignments shall be enforced by the OVs at the BCP of entry into GB, as the Competent Authority, in accordance with article 66 of Retained Regulation (EU) 2017/625.

In accordance with, section 32 (3) (a) of The Trade in Animals and Related Products Regulations 2011, non -compliant identity post import checks at destination shall be enforced by the District Council or Local Authority.

Legal basis

New Regulations allow official control check rates to be administratively amended to reflect the new reduced identity check rate with reversion to 100% identity check rate after the 4-month contingency period, in a subsequent publication.

Completion of the pilot scheme

At the end of August 2024, the temporary contingency measure and the pilot scheme will end, with identity check rates reverting to 100%.

An assessment of the identity assurance pilot scheme will include both quantitative and qualitative analysis.

1. Quantitative analysis of the IPAFFS data including compliance rates.

2. Qualitative analysis with a user acceptance survey of all the veterinarians involved in this pilot scheme.

End to end process for importing chilled semen

For BCPs where the facilitation scheme is in use, this list sets out step-by-step instructions for the process and the roles and responsibilities of importers, official veterinarians at BCPs, vets at destination and local authorities.

Completion of EHC

Export Health Certificate (EHC) is completed and certified by the Official Veterinarian (OV) in the EU Member State on TRACES NT (or other Member  State system listed below under Systems Summary). The EHC is sent to the importer (person responsible for the consignment) in GB who uses the information to complete the IPAFFS pre-notification, in the form of part I of the Common Health Entry Document (CHED-P). The EHC is attached to the IPAFFS pre-notification.

CHED-P is submitted

CHED-P is submitted for a consignment of chilled equine semen and contact  details of the vet or veterinary practice performing the insemination are sent to the entry BCP. The person responsible for the consignment undertakes two  essential steps:

a. Submits the CHED-P on IPAFFS, within the derogated pre-notification time for  the BCP, prior to the arrival of the consignment.

b. Notifies the entry BCP by email the contact details of the vet/veterinary practice (phone and email) undertaking insemination with the consignment (include CHED-P reference number).

It is advisable that there is one email chain per consignment, or if multiple  consignments will be used by the same vet/veterinary practice that these are  grouped. It is not advised that different vets/veterinary practices are grouped in the same email chain as this will mean the OV at the entry BCP will not be able to reply directly to the email chain and instead will only be able to provide the documentation required at step 4 to the person responsible for the consignment.

Document Check

OV at the entry BCP completes the documentary check. Upon receiving the CHED-P in IPAFFS for the consignment, the OV at the entry BCP completes a remote documentary check on 100% of consignments. If the documentary check is compliant, the CHED-P part II is completed without the identity check, by selecting ‘Not done’ on the identity check question and selecting the reason ‘Chilled equine semen facilitation scheme’ from the drop-down list. This results in SPS clearance which facilitates Customs clearance, permitting onward movement to destination.

If the documentary check is non-compliant, the consignment should be called into the BCP for documentary and identity checks completed by the OV at the entry BCP

Copies of CHED-P and EHC to vet

A copy of the valid CHED-P and certified copy of the EHC must be provided to the vet at destination. It is the responsibility of the person responsible for the consignment to ensure that the vet at destination has these documents available to them. This will be facilitated by the OV at the entry BCP providing these documents via email; either by replying all to the original email chain started by the person responsible for the consignment (per step 2), or if that email contains the information for different vets/veterinary practices the OV will reply directly to the person responsible for the consignment and they must provide the documents to the vet at destination.

If the OV at the entry BCP has not received the contact details of the vet at destination or their veterinary practice from the person responsible for the consignment or the contact details provided are incorrect/undeliverable, the OV will need to contact the person responsible for the consignment to establish these details

Vets undertake ID check

Vets at destination undertake identity checks on 100% of consignments that  require the facilitation process. On arrival of the consignment (documentary  compliant) at destination, the vet at destination checks that the identity of the consignment matches with the identity stated on the EHC and CHED-P.

Horse is inseminated

Vets at destination perform the insemination. As soon as the inseminating vet has  visually confirmed that the identity of the consignment matches with the identity  stated on the EHC and CHED-P and is therefore compliant, they may inseminate the mare

Complete Vet Declaration

Vets at destination complete the veterinary declaration. Complete the veterinary  declaration (Attachment I) and attach it to the email chain to the entry BCP within 24  hours of the consignment's arrival at destination, copying in the person responsible  for the consignment. The veterinary declaration can either be in the format of a  digitally signed pdf or a wet signed and scanned or photographed copy emailed to  the OV at the entry BCP by the veterinary practice.

Keep an original copy of the veterinary declaration for your records for a minimum of 3 years and in line with your veterinary practice policy.

If the veterinary declaration is not received within this period, the OV at the entry BCP will follow up on the second working day after arrival, depending on the BCP operating hours. For example for a 24 hour turnaround, if a consignment arrives at 1:00 pm on Wednesday, the OV at the entry BCP will expect the veterinary declaration by 1:00 pm on Thursday. If not received, a follow-up will occur on Friday. If the OV requires further assurance of the veterinary declaration, they should contact the vet at destination to discuss and address any concerns.

OV enters results of id check

OV at entry BCP enters official results of identity check. On receipt of the  veterinary declaration, the OV at the BCP of entry into GB shall open the specific  CHED-P and then cancel and replace the original CHED-P with the official identity  check result. This allows the results of the import identity check to be entered on part  II of the CHED-P, which will reference the original CHED-P. This completes the  IPAFFS record where the import checks are compliant. If non-compliant, the same  process shall be followed with details of the destruction of the imported  consignment.

Actions for non-compliant or illegal consignments
Vet at destination biosecurely stores the non-compliant or illegal consignment.

A consignment is non-compliant if it did not pass identity checks or is an illegal consignment if it did not arrive with a CHED-P and EHC. The vet at destination should store the consignment in bio-secure storage (e.g. double bag), cleanse outer surfaces with disinfectant and store in a rodent-proof container or location away from other animals at the delivery destination.

Vet at destination immediately notifies the Inland Local Authority

Vet at destination immediately notifies the Inland Local Authority (Trading Standards department), copying in the OV at the entry BCP. Your closest local authority can be found by searching your post code at the following link - Consumer Help and Advice | CTSI - Chartered Trading Standards Institute UK. You will need to provide the following details to the local authority so they can serve a notice on the person responsible for the consignment to detain and organise disposal of the non-compliant or illegal consignment from the premises where it is stored:

i. Name and contact details of the person responsible for the consignment

ii. CHED-P reference number (if available) and air waybill number (if available)

iii. Contact details of the vet/or veterinary practice undertaking the insemination

iv. Address and contact details for the location where the non-compliant or illegal consignment is stored

Vet at destination notifies the local APHA office

Vet at destination notifies the local APHA office (for illegal consignments only).

Contact details for APHA can be found at the following link - Contact APHA -GOV.UK.

Vet at destination completes the veterinary declaration

Vet at destination completes the veterinary declaration indicating the consignment was non-compliant or illegal and email the entry BCP within 24 hours.

Local authority manages non-compliant and illegal consignments

When notified by the vet at destination about a non-compliant or illegal consignment, which should contain the name and contact details of the person responsible for the consignment, the CHED-P reference number, and address and contact details of the location where the non-compliant or illegal consignment is stored, the Local Authority will:

a. Serve a notice under Regulation 35 of TARP 2011 to the person responsible for the consignment to notify that the consignment is non-compliant and must be detained as a high-risk product which may pose a threat to animal health. The notice can also outline the options available to manage the non-compliant consignment, however at this stage the consignment will be non-viable and the only option available being destruction and disposal.

b. Confirm that the person responsible for the consignment has arranged for the consignment to be destroyed at their expense.