New Import requirements from 1 January 2022
Following the Government announcement in September 2021 that certain EU to GB Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) import controls will begin from 1 July 2022, we want to remind you of the requirements that will still come into force from 1 January 2022.
Whilst certification, documentary, ID and physical checks, by commodity groups for products of animal origin, animal by-products, plant and plant products, will be introduced in three phases between July and November 2022, the requirement for pre-notifying consignments starts on 1 January 2022.
From 1 January 2022, businesses importing products of animal origin, animal by-products and high risk foods not of animal origin (HRFNAO) must pre-notify consignments at least four hours in advance of arriving into Great Britain. The pre-notification must be made via the Import of products, animals, food and feed system (IPAFFS).
To help you get ready for these new requirements we have incorporated key information you need into the attached document. Please take the time to read and understand the actions needed to continue importing from the EU into GB from 1 January 2022. Additionally, you can refer to the Border Operating Model for further information.