British Equine Veterinary Association > Registration
  1. Resources
  2. Education
  3. Career support
  4. Get involved
  5. About us
  1. Resources
  2. Education
  3. Career support
  4. Get involved
  5. About us


Thanks for registering for a BEVA online account, with this account you will be able to register as a BEVA member, book CPD events including Congress and access even more resources.

Once registered your email address will be your username for logging into the website.

If you need any help registering please email us.

Please note that your password is required to contain at least 8 characters including at least 1 upper case character, at least 1 lower case character, at least one number and at least 1 special character from the following list: @,$,%,+,=,!,# or ^

Enter the code shown above in the box below.
Thank you , you have successfully registered, and are now logged in!
Click here to go to your profile page.
Click here to go to the home page.