VMD revises temporary guidance on premises and prescriptions | British Equine Veterinary Association
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VMD revises temporary guidance on premises and prescriptions

News Medicines
04 Sep 2020 BEVA

On 31 August the VMD ended the temporary relaxation of the enforcement of specific provisions of the Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013 (VMR) covering certain aspects of the prescribing and supply of veterinary medicines.

However, in view of the continuing and unique challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the VMD have issued statements allowing, in exceptional circumstances, for facilitations concerning the temporary change of veterinary practice and SQP retailer premises and the arrangements for SQPs for remote prescribing and authorisation of supply to be re-applied after 31 August where:

• the veterinary practice premises (VPP)/SQP retailer is located in an area where the Government has deployed local lockdown measures; and/or

• a veterinary surgeon/SQP needs to self-isolate as they have tested positive for the virus or due to contact tracing.