RCVS Fellowship seeking candidates to apply for expert panels | British Equine Veterinary Association
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RCVS Fellowship seeking candidates to apply for expert panels

13 Jan 2021 BEVA

The Fellowship of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) is looking for members of the veterinary profession to apply to join its expert panels to help process Fellowship applications, and provide scientific advice and guidance to the initiative.

The Fellowship Credentials Panels are responsible for reviewing and assessing applications to join the Fellowship under the three different routes to entry, namely: Meritorious Contributions to Clinical Practice: to Knowledge; and to the Profession. The RCVS is now looking for experienced veterinary surgeons to join the panel for each of these routes to entry in order to make an important contribution to improving the College’s capability to best apply the collective knowledge and experience of its members to further science and the profession.

Members of the Credentials Panels are responsible for critically reviewing and scoring Fellowship applications against a list of criteria and working to deadlines set by the Credentials Panel Chairs to ensure an efficient process and experience for Fellowship candidates.

Applications to the Credentials Panel must be submitted to Ceri Chick, Senior Leadership Officer, on c.chick@rcvs.org.uk before 5pm on Monday 1 February 2021 with a completed application form and CV. Further information about the role, its criteria and the application form are available here.

In addition to the Credentials Panel, the Fellowship is also looking for veterinary surgeons to apply to join its Scientific Advisory Panel which is responsible for reviewing the evidence and providing scientific advice and guidance to the Fellowship and the wider profession on topical issues.

The Fellowship Science Advisory Panel will consist of subgroups formed on the basis of area of expertise, and a main panel which will review the research by the subgroups to make recommendations and advise on scientific issues relevant to recognised veterinary practice.

Those who are interested can apply to join either the main Panel or become an expert contributor to one of its subgroups, please write to Ceri Chick (c.chick@rcvs.org.uk) with a short description of your area of expertise and what you could bring to the role by Friday 5 February 2021. Applicants for the Panel must be FRCVS.

Professor John Innes, Chair of the RCVS Fellowship Board, said: “The work to transform the RCVS Fellowship into a thriving learned society of veterinary science that promotes scientific excellence, furthers professional skills and expertise, and can talk to wider society about the importance of veterinary science is continuing apace, and these two bodies play a vital role in this endeavour.

“Members of the Credentials Panel are needed to critically review applications for the Fellowship to ensure that the very best and brightest of the profession who have contributed a great deal to their areas of interest are welcomed to the initiative. The Science Advisory Panel is also key to the Fellowship’s future direction as it develops into a body able to give evidence-based information and advice on a variety of areas to the profession, the public and the media.

“Please do consider applying for these roles and if anybody would like to have an informal conversation with me beforehand about these roles don’t hesitate to contact me on john.innes@cvsvets.com.”