Professor A.M Johnston - 27 February 2015 | British Equine Veterinary Association
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Professor A.M Johnston - 27 February 2015

08 Apr 2015 BEVA

Professor A.M. (“Mac”) Johnston OBE BVM&S DVetMed FRSH DipECVPH HonFRCVS sadly passed away on February 27th.

Mac was an author and a lecturer in equine medicine at the RVC and subsequently a renowned authority in public health.  Although living in the Scottish Highlands and commuting to RVC Mac provided much needed 'expert' help for local people and vets.  After retiring from the RVC he worked in the community mentoring younger vets and dealing with awkward cases and clients.  Mac cared deeply for horses and without his expert help, the welfare of horses in his region of the Scottish Highlands would have suffered a great deal.

In 2013 Mac was received the BEVA Equine Welfare Award, sponsored by the Blue Cross.  He was a great friend of the association and will be fondly remembered and sadly missed by the many colleagues whose lives he touched.