Professions invited to virtually attend the RCVS 2021 Annual General Meeting | British Equine Veterinary Association
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Professions invited to virtually attend the RCVS 2021 Annual General Meeting

03 Jun 2021 BEVA

Veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses are invited to attend this year’s Royal College Day, the Annual General Meeting of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), which takes place on Friday, 9 July 2021.

The Annual General Meeting will be held virtually again this year with members of the professions being able to watch the proceedings live online.

The proceedings will begin at 10am with the formal adoption by RCVS Council of the Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2020, which will be published prior to the event.

After this, answers will be given to any written questions that have been submitted to the RCVS about the Annual Report by veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses. Those with any questions about the publication should contact RCVS Events Manager Deborah Rowlanes on no later than Friday 2 July 2021. Those who wish to attend the event can register by filling in the form here.

RCVS President Mandisa Greene will then formally welcome the newly-elected RCVS Council members – Louise Allum, Danny Chambers, Tshidi Gardiner and Colin Whiting – onto Council for their four-year terms, and newly-elected VN Council members Susan Howarth and Donna Lewis for their three-year terms, as well as saying farewell to retiring members of both Councils.

Following a short break, the AGM will reconvene at 11am to formally approve Kate Richards as President for 2021-22, Melissa Donald as Junior Vice-President, Mandisa as Senior Vice-President, and Niall Connell as Treasurer.

There will then be addresses from Matthew Rendle as Chair of Veterinary Nurses Council, and from Mandisa as the outgoing RCVS President for 2020-21, followed by the formal investiture of the new RCVS Officer Team.

There will then be closing remarks from Kate Richards as the newly invested RCVS President.

As with last year, the RCVS Awards Ceremony, where the recipients of this year’s RCVS Honours & Awards will be formally recognised for their achievements, will take place later in the year. This year the event has been scheduled for the evening of Thursday, 23 September 2021.