Our Obesity Working Group met on Tuesday 26th April to continue to move forward BEVA's activity that aims to help reduce equine obesity. We've been running pilot projects to explore ways in which vets could broach the subject with owners more readily and our pilots so far have taught us a lot.
The topic of obesity is frustrating and complex. No one intentionally inflicts obesity on their horse. They are either oblivious to seeing it, in denial of its implications, or unsure how to effectively achieve weight-loss (and sometimes weight-loss isn't happening despite the owners best efforts).
We're currently on pilot 3 and are looking to develop a tool kit on the BEVA website that provides vets with useful tools to help support owners in identifying and reducing the weight of their horse.
Over the next few months the Working Group is hoping to:
• Create a photographic resource for owners depicting different breeds with schematic overlays demonstrating Body Condition Score of 0 to 5.
• Publish five top tips for approaching obesity with owners.
• Create a red, amber and green risk assessment table for laminitis.
• Share a crib sheet style guide to the relevant medications that are useful for obese and laminitic patients.
• Publish document summarising five key areas for changes in management that can aid weight loss.
• Create an interactive infographic to help demonstrate the case approach to owners.
Keep an eye out for news and updates from the Obesity Working Group published on the BEVA website.