Laminitis cases: can we do better? | British Equine Veterinary Association
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Laminitis cases: can we do better?

CPD and Careers News BEVA News
11 Dec 2023 BEVA

“There have been great advances in laminitis research recently but the condition remains too common and clinical outcomes are too poor. We all have cases that are difficult and frustrating to manage. But, can we do better?” Edd Knowles, MA VetMB MVetMed DipECEIM MRCVS RCVS and European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine

Our upcoming online course will bring together leading names in laminitis to ensure that equine vets can confidently treat laminitis, even when the trickiest case presents itself.

This course will take a deep dive into all aspects of laminitis. Topics will include medical treatment, farriery, feeding, imaging, diagnostic testing and the underlying pathogenesis. The lectures and discussion will be led by world-leading experts with a wealth of practical experience.

You will learn practical tips to improve case management and gain a better understanding of the underlying conditions. We will cover the latest research and ensure you are well-placed to understand future developments in laminitis research.

The course is online meaning you can join live from anywhere on Thursday 25 January. The live stream provides the opportunity to interact and ask questions of our panel. Alternatively, for those that are unable to attend live the recording will be made available to all attendees within 14 working days of the live event allowing.

Come and join us to ensure you can confidently tackle the full spectrum of laminitis cases.

Book the course

About Edd Knowles

Edd has organised our upcoming course  Laminitis - EMS, PPID and their part in pedal bone downfall.

Edd graduated from Cambridge University in 2005. He worked in small animal practice at the PDSA for 18 months before joining BEVC as an intern in January 2007.

In 2010 Edd undertook a three-year specialist training program in Equine Internal Medicine in collaboration with the Royal Veterinary College and became a European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine. Edd has broad interests in all aspects of equine medicine with a particular interest in laminitis and hormonal disease.

Edd also has a strong interest in clinical research. He is currently undertaking a part-time PhD in equine laminitis while continuing to work in both the hospital and as an ambulatory vet at Bell Equine.