Ever wondered how BEVA Council works? Consisting of 20 elected members, sitting across seven Committees, find out who does what...
It all starts with an election, once voted in our Councillors sit for an initial three year term, with the option to extend this for another three years if voted in again. Our Council Members are attached to at least one of our seven Committees, bringing together professionals from diverse backgrounds to tackle a wide range of veterinary and welfare topics. The Committees and Council as a whole, represent the perspective of our membership - they’re your voices at the Association and industry level.
Every Committee has a Chair who takes the lead, guiding their members to work with the BEVA office to develop necessary plans and projects. Recent projects include:
Careers’ plan to revamp the BEVA Internship Awareness Programme
Clinical Practice’s revision of BEVA’s A.I. Guidance Notes
Ethics & Welfare’s Obesity Project
Equestrian Sport’s collaboration with sporting bodies such as Weatherby’s on their app.
Health & Medicine’s work on Antimicrobial Resistance and Anthelmintic Stewardship
Be sure to keep an eye out on our news pages and social media for updates from our Chairs.
Each Chair also sits on the BEVA Board of Management, taking part in conversations regarding proposed new activities aimed at furthering the mission and goals of the Association.
Heading the Board is BEVA President, Huw Griffiths. Elected in September, he has had plenty of time to prepare for the role with a year as Junior Vice President and one year as President Elect.