FEI Issues Letter to Vets on EHV-1 By-Law Sanctions in Mainland Europe to Commence on 1 November | British Equine Veterinary Association
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FEI Issues Letter to Vets on EHV-1 By-Law Sanctions in Mainland Europe to Commence on 1 November

News Performance Horses
01 Nov 2021 BEVA

Dear Veterinarians,

You will be aware that sanctions for non-compliance with the EHV-1 By-Laws in Mainland Europe commence on 1 November 2021.

Following feedback from our community and the opportunity for the FEI to study additional veterinary information around biosecurity, the FEI Board has reduced the 10-day temperature-taking requirement to three days prior to arrival at an FEI Event, for all FEI Events as of 1 November 2021.

This change will maintain the necessary level of biosecurity, and is an important point for you as a Veterinarian, as it will be part of the checks that you carry out during the Examination on Arrival.

Sanctions will be applied from 1 November 2021 for non-compliance with:

EHV-1 By-Law No. 5. Mandatory rectal temperature checks of all horses twice daily at events, with the readings entered in the FEI HorseApp.

EHV-1 By-Law No. 10. Horse Health Status Self-declaration by Athlete/Groom, including horse rectal temperatures for the three days prior to arrival at the Event, both entered in the FEI HorseApp.

The relevant sanctions will apply per Horse and will be issued by FEI Headquarters following an automated process. Any applicable fine will be issued to the Person Responsible. Sanctions are not appealable.

The EHV-1 By-Laws are available here and the Sanctions are described here.

Information on the FEI HorseApp, including details of how to use it, can be found here.