Confirmed case of neurological EHV-1 in Opplabbeek, Belgium | British Equine Veterinary Association
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Confirmed case of neurological EHV-1 in Opplabbeek, Belgium

News Infectious Diseases Performance Horses
03 Apr 2023 BEVA

The FEI has reported that there has been a confirmed case of neurological EHV-1 in Opplabbeek, Belgium. The FEI has “blocked” all horses which were housed in the same stabling area since 22 March. No UK horses are involved.

Twelve British horses attended the competition in Opplabbeek but these were all housed in separate stabling with no direct contact with the affected horse. As of 1 April 2023, BEF EIDAG has advised British Show-jumping that it is not currently necessary to impose any restrictions on these British horses. Their riders have been alerted to the situation and advised to monitor their horses very carefully, with twice daily temperature diaries, and to seek veterinary advice immediately if they have cause for concern about their horses’ health. BEF EIDAG is monitoring the situation closely, with the support of the Equine Infectious Disease Service based at the University of Cambridge, and will re-assess this decision if the situation changes.

BEVA members are reminded that EHV-1 is an endemic disease which is circulating continuously in the UK. All horse owners should be made aware that there are risks of infectious disease occurring when horses mix at competitions and events. Horse owners should be encouraged to monitor horses returning from gatherings carefully, to keep them as separate from other horses on the property as they can, to practice good hygiene and to work with their own vet to risk assess if they fear their horses may have been exposed to infectious disease at an event.