We’re delighted to announce that we have teamed up with the British Student Equine Veterinary Association (BSEVA) to offer all UK undergraduate veterinary medicine students a free joint BEVA and BSEVA membership.
Both BEVA and BSEVA offer members a wide variety of benefits that support students throughout their studies. Students who sign up are able to enjoy all of the BEVA benefits including veterinary apps, special rates for BEVA Congress, and access to the monthly webinar series. As well as benefiting from BEVA benefits members will also be part of the BSEVA community who organise talks and activities at UK universities.
BEVA President Roger Smith said:
“We are delighted to be partnering with BSEVA to provide undergraduate veterinary medicine students across the UK with free membership. We hope that access to our online learning resources, member CPD events and career advice will support them in their university studies and provide a realistic insight into how working in equine practice can be a rewarding career choice”.
BSEVA President Florrie Clark commented:
“I’m so excited BSEVA and BEVA are coming together and making membership more accessible to students. Hopefully this means people interested in an equine career can get to know more like-minded students and current equine vets through BEVA. The joint membership also gives students access to more talks and resources, and can reap as many benefits as possible from both organisations!”
Students can sign up online here.
Join as a free student member