BEVA has partnered with its transatlantic equivalent the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) to introduce a series of virtual Transatlantic Equine Clinics. The sessions will bring leading experts from the UK and the USA together to discuss and debate their approach to clinical conundrums in equine veterinary practice.
The Clinics, which are supported with funding from the Beaufort Cottage Educational Trust, will be held every other month and are available free to BEVA and AAEP members.
With a speaker representing the UK or Europe and another representing the American approach, the discussions aim to drill down to the finer detail of each topic; The first clinic, held in April, proved very popular with members on both sides of the pond enjoying hearing Roger Smith (chair), Dean Richardson and Luis Rubio-Martinez discussing the treatment of distal limb orthopaedic infections.
The next clinic will be held on Wednesday 30 June with Simon Peek (chair), Thomas Divers and Sarah Smith debating what’s new in investigating and managing liver disease, as a follow up to BEVA’s clinical catch up earlier in the year. In August Scott Pirie and David Freeman will go head-to-head on the causes and management of reflux in post-operative colics- is this a consequence of surgery or surgeon- or a purely medical problem? October covers subchondral bone cysts of the stifle, and in December the management of the high-risk pregnancy will be explored.
“The equine world is a small one, and the pandemic has highlighted how close everyone in that world is, online, said BEVA’s Learning Manager Sarah Gaspar. “We are delighted to be running this series of focussed discussions with our colleagues in the States- comparing our ideas, finding out who does what, why and whether it works better there or over here.”
To sign up click here.