Applications open to join the RCVS Ethics Review Panel | British Equine Veterinary Association
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Applications open to join the RCVS Ethics Review Panel

23 Jun 2021 BEVA

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) has opened applications for seven positions on the Ethics Review Panel (ERP). Now in its fifth year, the Panel plays a key role in supporting veterinary professionals who do not have access to university or industry connections to carry out practice-based research by providing ethical approval for these projects.

The Panel was established in 2016 when it emerged that an increasing number of research projects were being conducted in private veterinary practices. In these settings, researchers may not always be familiar with the regulations and the ethical best practice needed for clinical veterinary research. Following a joint review of research practices from the RCVS and the British Veterinary Association (BVA), the ERP was formed to review and provide ethical approval for research projects from veterinary professionals working outside of an academic institution.

Applications for the Panel have proved extremely popular since its launch in 2016, and to date, the Ethics Review Panel has reviewed 251 applications from practice-based researchers. The ERP has members from all disciplines within the veterinary professions and the recruitment for new ERP members will bolster the number of Panel members to 19. There are currently seven available spaces on the Panel, and the RCVS is looking to fill these spaces with:

• Three veterinary surgeons

• Two registered veterinary nurses

• Two lay people

The ERP has played an integral role for many researchers, including reviewing their prospective and retrospective research projects on cats, dogs, horses and farm animals. As well as reviewing animal-based research, the Panel has also branched out into reviewing sociological studies involving veterinary staff.

The Panel is Chaired by Professor David Morton, who is a keen advocate of maintaining high standards of ethics and scientific design across veterinary research. David said: “I’ve been honoured to Chair the Ethics Review Panel for the last five years. Through my role as Chair, I have had the opportunity to work alongside some exceptional veterinary professionals and I encourage anyone with a keen interest in clinical veterinary research to apply for a position on the Panel.”

Anyone wishing to join the Panel can download an application form and role description here and send a completed application form and CV to

The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 16 July 2021.