EVJ Article Summaries | BEVA
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Article Summaries 

We have a team of equine vets who provide summaries of articles published in Equine Veterinary Journal (EVJ). Read the summaries below and if you are a BEVA member you will then be able to follow the link to access the full article if you choose to.

2025 Article Summaries

Reasons to be fearful? Rising proportions of positive faecal worm egg counts among UK horses (2007–2023)

Objective assessment of acute pain in foals using a facial expression-based pain scale

Effect of experimentally induced endotoxaemia and meloxicam administration on the haemostatic system in donkeys

Soft palate angle and basihyoid depth increase with tongue size and with body condition score in horses

A genome-wide association study for recurrent laryngeal neuropathy in the Thoroughbred horse identifies a candidate gene that regulates myelin structure

2024 Article Summaries

Evaluation of digital radiographic measurements for the diagnosis of acute laminitis

Risk factors for fatality in jump racing Thoroughbreds in Great Britain (2010–2023)

In vitro antimicrobial activity of non-traditional therapies for infectious endometritis in mares

A wearable real-time particulate monitor demonstrates that soaking hay reduces dust exposure

The impact of restricted grazing systems on the behaviour and welfare of ponies

The impact of short-term transportation stress on insulin and oral sugar responses in insulin dysregulated and non-insulin dysregulated horses

Steamed hay and alfalfa pellets for the management of severe equine asthma

Clinical features and outcomes of horses presenting with presumed equine immune mediated keratitis to two veterinary hospitals in the United Kingdom and Finland: 94 cases (2009–2021)

Should the use of omeprazole be allowed during equestrian competition?

Heritability of sudden cardiac death in Thoroughbred racehorses

Vertical pelvic movement asymmetry and lameness location in ipsilateral combined forelimb and hindlimb lameness cases

Equine cheek tooth repulsion using small diameter repulsion pins: 20 cases

Molecular cytogenetic screening of sex chromosome abnormalities in young horse populations

Unilateral laser ventriculocordectomy results in increased arytenoid stability in horses with severe left sided recurrent laryngeal neuropathy

A simplified fixed-time insemination protocol using frozen–thawed stallion spermatozoa stored at 17°C for up to 24 h before insemination

Factors associated with development of post-operative reflux in horses with large colon volvulus and association with complications and outcomes

Low-field magnetic resonance imaging of sagittal groove disease of the proximal phalanx in non-racing sport horses

A retrospective comparison of postoperative outcomes in ovariectomised jennies (Equus asinus) treated with phenylbutazone or flunixin meglumine

Ultrasound-guided fetal thorax compression to reduce post-fixation twins in the mare

Conductivity of mammary gland secretions is a sensitive and specific predictor of parturition in mares

Does inbreeding contribute to pregnancy loss in Thoroughbred horses?

Diagnostic accuracy of plain radiography to identify synovial penetration in horses with traumatic limb wounds

2023 Article Summaries

Associations between turn out practices and rates of musculoskeletal disease and injury in Thoroughbred foals and yearlings on stud farms in the United Kingdom

Survival rates and factors associated with survival and laminitis of horses with acute diarrhoea admitted to referral institutions

Diagnostic approaches, aetiological agents and their associations with short-term survival and laminitis in horses with acute diarrhoea admitted to referral institutions

Comparison of cone-beam and fan-beam computed tomography and low-field magnetic resonance imaging for detection of palmar/plantar osteochondral disease in Thoroughbred horses

Evaluation of glutaraldehyde coagulation test and colostrum BRIX refractometer compared with SNAP foal IgG test in neonatal foals

Outcome and racing performance following standing fracture repair in 245 horses

Comparison of oral esomeprazole and oral omeprazole in the treatment of equine squamous gastric disease

Intra-articular triamcinolone acetonide injection results in increases in systemic insulin and glucose concentrations in horses without insulin dysregulation

History, Rest and Exercise Score (HRE-S) for assessment of disease severity in horses with trigeminal-mediated headshaking

Factors associated with insulin responses to oral sugars in a mixed-breed cohort of ponies

Subchondral lucencies of the medial femoral condyle in yearling and 2-year-old Thoroughbred sales horses: Prevalence, progression and associations with racing performance

Abnormal mare behaviour is rarely associated with changes in hormonal markers of granulosa cell tumours: A retrospective study

Premature depolarisations in horses competing in United States Eventing Association and Fédération Equestre Internationale-sanctioned 3-day events

The effect of medical grade honey on tensile strength, strain, and Young's modulus of synthetic absorbable suture material used in equine surgery

Racing performance of juvenile Thoroughbreds with femoropatellar osteochondrosis at auction: A retrospective case-control study

Recumbency decreases mare and foal survival following in-hospital dystocia management

Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as a potential biomarker for equine asthma

Five- versus seven-day dosing intervals of extended-release injectable omeprazole in the treatment of equine squamous and glandular gastric disease 

Evaluation of cartilage injury in horses with osteochondral fragments in the metacarpo−/metatarsophalangeal joint: A study on 823 arthroscopies

Towards a safer sport: Risk factors for cross-country horse falls at British Eventing competition

Identification of a previously unreported site of subchondral bone injury in the dorsodistolateral calcaneus in Thoroughbred racehorses

Prevalence and clinical significance of increasing head height asymmetry as a measure of forelimb lameness in horses when trotting in a straight line after palmar digital nerve block

Complications following diagnostic and therapeutic sacroiliac joint region injections in horses: a study describing clinicians’ experiences

Treatment of racehorse superficial digital flexor tendonitis: A comparison of stem cell treatments to controlled exercise rehabilitation in 213 cases

2022 Article Summaries

Identifying possible thresholds for nonstructural carbohydrates in the insulin dysregulated horse

Sales and race performance of juvenile Thoroughbreds with surgically corrected large colon displacements

Residual effects of intra-articular betamethasone and triamcinolone acetonide in an equine acute synovitis model

Use of antimicrobials licensed for systemic administration in UK equine practice

Acute phase protein concentrations following serial procaine penicillin G injections in horses

Prognosis for survival to discharge and racing performance in Thoroughbred foals treated for single joint septic arthritis (2009–2016)

Tongue ties do not widen the upper airways in racehorses

Risk factors for lameness elimination in British Endurance riding

The effect of season, management and endocrinopathies on vitamin D status in horses

An epidemiological overview of the equine influenza epidemic in Great Britain during 2019

Cannabinoid receptors are expressed in equine synovium and upregulated with synovitis

Diagnosis and outcome following tenoscopic surgery of the digital flexor tendon sheath in German sports and pleasure horses

Pharmacokinetics and clinical efficacy of acetaminophen (paracetamol) in adult horses with mechanically induced lameness

Concentrations of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin are increased in serum and peritoneal fluid from horses with inflammatory abdominal disease and non-strangulating intestinal infarctions

Objective evaluation for analgesia of the distal interphalangeal joint, the navicular bursa and perineural analgesia in horses with naturally occurring forelimb lameness localised to the foot

Antimicrobial prescribing and antimicrobial resistance surveillance in equine practice

Early incisor lesions and Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis: Reliability of radiographic findings

Predictors of laminitis development in a cohort of non laminitic ponies

Rib fractures in adult horses as a cause of poor performance; diagnosis, treatment and outcome in 73 horses

Risk factors for a first episode of primary uveitis in the UK and proportion of cases that experience recurrence following this first episode

Caudal foot placement superior to toe elevation for navicular palmaroproximal-palmarodistal-oblique image quality

Radiographic changes of the proximal third metatarsal bone do not predict presence or severity of proximal suspensory desmopathy in a predominately Quarter Horse population

Pain severity scores for common equine disorders as provided by horse owners and equine veterinarians

Effects of age, disease, and anastomosis on short- and long-term survival after surgical correction of small intestinal strangulating diseases in 89 horses