BEVA Council | BEVA
  1. Resources
  2. Education
  3. Career support
  4. Get involved
  5. About us
  1. Resources
  2. Education
  3. Career support
  4. Get involved
  5. About us

Make your mark on the profession

BEVA Council oversee the direction and strategy of the Association and work together to promote and lead the equine veterinary community. Come and join us.

Commonly asked questions
Being on BEVA Council gives you a unique opportunity to work, debate and socialise with a diverse cross-section of our profession and make a difference in the things that matter to you.
What will I do on BEVA Council?

BEVA Council members sit on 1-2 of our committees. Each committee is tasked with working on projects and initiatives that aim to support equine veterinary professionals and champion high standards of equine health and welfare and you would be encouraged to explore and work on projects that matter to you as part of your committee role. 

You will have the opportunity to participate in industry-wide project and discussions with our regulators and Government. Throughout your time on the council, you will be invited to a number of meetings.

Is it a big-time commitment?

Our committees meet up to four times every year with a mix of virtual and in-person meetings and the full BEVA Council comes together in person twice a year.

There are no set hours you have to commit to but the more you can give to the role, the more rewarding you will find it.

I don't think I am established in my career to join Council yet.

BEVA Council needs to represent everyone in our profession so if you are keen to be part of BEVA we would encourage you to nominate yourself for council.

Who can stand for BEVA Council?

Veterinary Surgeons who are full members of BEVA can stand in our Council Elections.

If you are a Veterinary Nurse and interested in playing an active role at BEVA please contact us.

Hear what current and past Council members have to say

How to Join Council

To join Council you need to take part in our annual elections. All Council members are elected by the membership and stand for an initial three year term. On completion of the first term council members are invited to stand for re-election for a second term of three years..

Council elections take place once a year between May and July. All Ordinary and Concessionary members are invited to submit a nomination to join council. Nominations are online and overseen by Civica, an independent  provider of election and voting services. Members submitting a nomination must be proposed and seconded by two other BEVA members,

Online voting is open to ordinary and concessionary BEVA members from during August and members eligible to vote will be sent emails with information on how to do so when voting is open. New council members are confirmed and approved at the BEVA AGM in September.  

For any more details or further information on joining the council or about the election please contact us.



The Latest News from BEVA Council

Take a look at what BEVA Council have been working on recently to find out about the projects and work you could be involved in if you were to join BEVA Council.

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