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Current Practices in Equine Reproduction

01 Jul 2025 - 03 Jul 2025

Current Practices in Equine Reproduction

Take your equine reproductive knowledge and skills to the next level with this highly practical three-day course.

Course dates

01 Jul 2025 09:00 - 03 Jul 2025 17:00

Twemlows Stud Farm, A.I. and E.T. Centre, SY13 2EZ

About this course

Do you want to develop your reproductive knowledge further? Join us for a three-day, highly practical course discussing case management and learning from highly experienced, friendly speakers.

Day one will focus on consolidating and refining your standard repro work, with talks on normal findings, ultrasonography, pregnancy and twin diagnosis and management, embryo transfer and hysteroscopy. Small group practicals led by our highly experienced and approachable speaker team will allow plenty of hands on time and informal discussion of cases, focusing on ultrasound in the mare, pregnancy diagnosis, and uterine sampling and processing.

On day two we move onto more advanced procedures and scanning, with foetal sexing, management of AI mares and semen storage on the theory side and practicals to demonstrate and discuss hysteroscopy, embryo flushing, foetal sexing and problem solving in tricky cases in the mare. On the stallion side we’ll be hands on with semen handling, evaluation and processing. Small groups will allow informal discussion with our approachable speakers.

Day three switches focus to the late gestational mare and foal, with talks and small group, hands on practicals covering assessment of the mare and foal prepartum, as well as post foaling.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course you will...

  • understand the principles behind reproductive ultrasound and how to use your machine to its maximum
  • be able to troubleshoot common problems when using ultrasound in the repro field
  • understand case selection behind AI and ET and have the ability to discuss the pros and cons with specific mares and situations
  • be able to discuss and formulate breeding plans for individual mares based on your clinical and ultrasonographic examination- when to order semen, induce ovulation, inseminate, wash out
  • have the ability to assess foetal health
  • be able to formulate plans for managing mares in late pregnancy
  • be able to identify and formulate treatment and management plans for sick neonatal foals

Our speakers
  • Course Organiser: James Crabtree BVM&S CertEM(StudMed) MRCVS
  • Ian Cameron BSc BVM&S CertEM(StudMed) MRCVS
  • Pamela Humphreys
  • Rebecca Keating DrMedVet MRCVS
  • Edward Matson
  • Tullis Matson FRAgS
  • Monica Morganti BMedVet DACT DECAR MRCVS
  • John Spencer BVSc MRCVS

Course sponsors

Elite Reproduction Supplies   Enalees   IMV Imaging

Course prices
  • BEVA vet member: £945
  • Non member: £1,890

Terms and conditions

By registering for this course, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Payment and transfers
  • All payments must be made in pound sterling. Your place on the course is not guaranteed until full payment has been made.
  • Booked places can be transferred to another person free of charge if requested two weeks before the start of the course. If the transferee is not a BEVA member, they will be liable for the difference between the member and non-member rate. If a transfer is requested less than two weeks prior to the start date a 10% administration charge will apply. 
  • A full refund will be made, less a 10% administration charge, if cancellation is more than six weeks before the start of the course.
  • A refund cannot be guaranteed if cancellation is less than six weeks before the start of the course. A full refund will be made if we are able to resell the place, less a 20% administration charge.
  • In the unlikely event that we are required to cancel or postpone the course you can opt to receive a full refund or receive a CPD credit. The CPD credit is valid for one year from the date of issue and can be used on any BEVA CPD event.
Membership deals
  • To be eligible for the BEVA member price you are required to be a BEVA member at the time of the course. If your membership expires before the course date you will be invoiced the difference.
  • For all non-member bookings a 12-month digital BEVA membership is included in the course price and will be set up within five working days of receiving payment. If you cancel your place after the membership is set up any refund given will be minus the number of months membership you have already had. If you transfer your place the membership can be transferred at the same time, however the length of the membership will not be extended.
  • Whilst the course programme is correct at time of print, BEVA reserves the right to change details of the event without notice. All best endeavours will be made to present the programme as publicised however alterations may occasionally be necessary due to circumstances beyond our control.
  • You will receive 12 months access to course materials via the BEVA online learning platform. Recordings of live aspects of the course will be made available as soon as possible after the live date.
Registration, access and attendance
  • You must have appropriate liability and professional indemnity insurance to attend BEVA courses.
  • You must bring appropriate, clean safety wear (for example coveralls, hard hats and boots) to courses that involve practical sessions. When relevant an equipment list will be provided to you via your course page.
  • At the point of booking you self-certify that you are suitably qualified to attend the course and qualified to undertake the procedures being taught. If you are in training for such a qualification BEVA must be made aware of your training status at the time of booking.
  • Photography and videography may take place during the event. All photographs may be used by BEVA in the future. Please inform the course organiser if you do not wish to be included in photography. All images become the property of BEVA.
  • Unless you actively specify otherwise, we may share your contact details with course organisers and sponsors.
  • To protect the security of the BEVA Online Learning platform, attendees should not share login credentials. Every attendee will receive their own login credentials.
  • BEVA is not responsible for errors made in providing your email address. You should contact if you are concerned an error has been made.



Partners In Education

Our partners support our annual CPD programme, helping us to deliver some of the best equine veterinary CPD in the world.