Lead Retrieval
You can capture attendees' contact details during the event using the free ‘business card’ function on the BEVA Congress Event App. Each business card contains the following data (assuming the delegate has filled this in). The *starred data indicates the mandatory fields:
o Title
o First Name*
o Last Name*
o Email Address*
o Suffix
o Job Title
o Company/practice
o Phone Number
o Location
o Website
o Address
o Social (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat)
How to use:
- Download the event App ‘BEVA Congress’ on your mobile device from the iOS or Android store. The App will be available to download two weeks before the start of the event.
- Login - Enter Username: (use the email address you have registered for the event with) - Enter Password (you will need to create one).
- Click ‘My Business Cards’ from the drop-down menu
- Beneath your Business Card, click
- the app will ask you permission to use your camera.
- Use your camera to scan the barcode on the delegate’s name badge. Ensuring you centre the code where indicated.
View your leads:
- Click ‘My Business Cards’ from the drop-down menu
- The scanned leads will appear below your own business card - in a section named ‘Your Contacts’.
- You can email, make unique notes, download, or delete an individual contact directly
OR you can download all ‘Your Contacts’ at once in CSV format (the download will also include any specific notes you have made against an individual’s business card).
You can update how your own business card looks and what is shown by clicking
on your business card. If you wish to add additional contact information to your business card you can do this on 'My Profile' page which can be accessed via the drop-down menu ![](/portals/0/Burger%20Menu.JPG)
I recommend downloading the App prior to the event so that if you experience any login issues, these can be resolved before the event is live.