Exhibitor Registration
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stand personnel Registration

Stand personnel attending the day/s of the live event must be registered to attend (a badge is not required for build and/or breakdown). Once registered to attend, a QRCode will be uploaded to the individual's profile on the event App (the app will be available to download two weeks before the event starts). When you arrive at the venue, you will be asked to scan the QRCode at the badge printing kiosks to print off a physical badge.

The number of free personnel is based on the size of your stand: 

Personnel above your allocation will be charged at £60 per day per person and BEVA will generate an invoice for these and any social tickets requested

Stand Size Example Free Personnel Allowance
Between 4m2 - 9m2         i.e 3x2/4x2m           3 per day
Between 10m2 -16m2  i.e 5x2m/4x4m  4 per day
Above 17m2  i.e 6x3m/8x4m 6 per day

Registered stand personnel will receive a hot lunch during the live event (Thu/Fri & Sat) and free tea and coffee will be available in the exhibition hall throughout the day.

The person who booked the stand will have login details to Submit in order to register stand personnel