Preparing for a placement
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  1. Resources
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Get ready for your EMS placement

Going on your first EMS placement is exciting but can feel a little daunting. Know what to expect and how to prepare with our guidance to ensure you get the most out of your placement.

What will happen on my first day?

The practice will tell you when to arrive on your first day. You will most likely report to reception where you will be greeted and given a tour of the site. 

You will be asked to complete some paperwork, be advised of health and safety information and the fire protocol. 

You will meet the rest of the team and be given examples of what you can and can't get involved with.

What kind of things will I be doing?

Daily planning is your responsibility. You will need to plan ahead, liaise with the vets, office staff and any other students to ensure that you are involved in the cases that interest you.

Can I make notes and take photos?

You'll be encouraged to take notes on interesting cases for future reference. Photographs can be taken with the permission of the treating vet (and owner if necessary) - the practice may also request copies of these for their own records. You will be bound by Professional Confidentiality, you must not divulge any client details or clinical information to third parties. With the practice's consent you may be provided with materials to help you with your case studies, once all identifying details have been removed.

Remember that when posting anything work-related to social media you are representing the practice you are at and you therefore must agree to their social media policy.

Will I get help with my EMS forms?

Vets and reception staff will be happy to help you with any specific EMS requirements such as goal setting or case reports. Before you leave the practice at the end of your placement, give your EMS forms to the office staff and they will return them to your university.

I'm nervous about handling horses, what should I do?

You're not expected to be brimming with confidence on your placement. It's recommended that prior to your placement you review any handling training provided by your university. If you're not feeling confident, discuss your concerns with staff at your induction.

What do I need to do prior to attending my placement?

You will be asked to complete two questionnaires - one regarding emergency contacts and one regarding your experience and expectations from the placement.

What should I bring with me?

You must bring with you any relevant equine personal protective equipment issued by your university, at a minimum this should include:

    • Name badge
    • Stethoscope
    • Thermometer
    • Wellies and sturdy boots
    • Waterproof jacket
    • Overalls

    If you have one, bring a dosimeter with you. If you don't have one you will be provided with one.

    Don't forget your lunch!

    I'm keen to work in equine practice after graduation, might my EMS placement offer a job in the future?

    There's no guarantee of a full time position for you post-graduation, but it's always worth viewing your placement as an extended interview for a future position. Be sure to register your interest with the team.